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A subject I've enjoyed

Hi everyone, I hope you are well.
Today I'm going to write about the most interesting subject that I've cursed this semester. For me is too complicated to choose at least one, because it wasn't atractive to have virtual classes this year. But, if i have to decide one, I would choose Cultural Geography.
The main goals for this subject is knowing Cultural Geography, thinking Cultural Geography and doing Cultural Geography. With this in mind, the teacher try different contents along the semester, all of this based on two principal lectures: "Las fronteras del discurso geográfico: El tiempo y el espacio en la investigación social" (Aliste & Nuñez) and "Los fundamentos actuales de la geografía cultural" (Claval). An examples of the most important contents are: the concept of time and space as subjectivities based on the reason, the eurocentrism, language as tool and object of study and the differences between natural and social order. Is very important understand that, along the years, the Geography study this contents based on different perspective: deterministic, posibilistic and regionalistic. After all this advances, the Cultural Geography emerge to put the focus on the culture to study how the society produce the space.
What I like the most on this subject is the inclusion of the phenomenological perspective as the interest on the expressions in the society like the protest, the daily or the art.

bye, xoxo


  1. Cultural geography is very interesting, especially the complexity of this set of characteristics of each society or ethnic group.

  2. Hello xd
    I am very happy that you like such an interesting branch, from the first classes the professor treats complicated subjects but with a good explanation, besides, it is very related to anthropology

  3. Hi! It sounds great! I could not take this subject, because I freeze a semester and now it was to the same time that a subject that I had to take. The texts sounds very interesting too. See you!

  4. Cultural Geography is a very interesting subjetc, i love it too, but i found i little bit difficult to understand sometime uwu


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